The Pebble and the Canyon
The Pebble and the Canyon: Reflections on Composing Your Life
by Felix Scardino
An ancient idea suggests that we are amphibians, living at once on the surface of our minds and within unseen depths. This leads us to feel we have two selves. The surface self we are most familiar with can serve us well, but it is very hit or miss and short-sighted when compared to our deeper self.
The Pebble and the Canyon will help you awaken each morning anticipating what you are creating, rather than worrying about what you fear. It will support you through life’s rough and unpredictable changes, including those of career, divorce, and grief; assist you in finding your niche, and thus your sense of purpose and passion; suggest ways to fire your imagination with creative thoughts; and, improve your health through practices that reduce stress and encourage healing.
The Pebble and the Canyon
165 pages
Available in hardcover and Kindle editions
Call 713-524-0142, ext. 5, or e-mail Felix for an autographed copy.
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